Top Risks for 2023 Revolve Around Energy and the Economy
As societies globally have struggled with higher prices, economic precarity and the fallout of conflict, respondents to the Global Risks Perception Survey (GRPS) believe that the rising cost of living, supply disruptions and the growing threat of cyberattacks on critical infrastructure will be the top risks of 2023.
The perceived severity of these threats is reflected in the respondents’ short-term outlook for the world, with over 80% anticipating consistent volatility and multiple shocks over the next two years.
The outlook for the future also remains volatile (in perception) as more people expect catastrophic tipping points in 10 years, although the long-term view is more favorable overall. Respondents foresee new developments in the global risks landscape marked by an era of progressive environmental degradation, societal friction, and geopolitical confrontation. More detailed insights can be found in the 2023 Global Risks Report.