US Companies Step Up to Support Abortion Access in Wake of Dobbs Ruling
In the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, a growing number of high-profile companies — including Starbucks, Target, Patagonia, American Express and Disney — have announced policies covering employees’ costs if they have to travel to get an abortion.
As of July 1, 2022, 119 U.S. companies have expanded their reproductive health benefits or offered travel reimbursement to employees in states with partial or full abortion bans. The greatest predictor of whether a company will offer support for abortion services isn’t the number of women in senior positions or gender-affirming values — but their industry, workforce and geography.
“The image of these firms as progressive on social issues is vital to attracting the tens of thousands of socially conscious Gen Y recruits they require to feed their pyramidic staffing and business models,” wrote Jeffrey Sonnenfeld in Fortune.
Sonnenfeld — a professor at the Yale Chief Executive Leadership Institute, who previously tracked which businesses withdrew from Russia — says these “first-mover companies” that are the first to speak out on social issues benefit with their bottom-line in the long run. Sonnenfeld says the 1,300 firms that exited Russia have since been rewarded by financial markets.