More Than 100 Countries Have Issued Nationwide Mask Mandates
Source: Council on Foreign Relations
More than half of the world’s countries are mandating the use of face masks while in public spaces to prevent the spread of coronavirus. The Council on Foreign Relations found that, without a national mask mandate, large percentages of populations neglect wearing a mask.
The first two countries to issue a nationwide mask mandate were Vietnam and the Czech Republic in mid-March. The Czech Republic has a 1.8% COVID-19 fatality rate and a 74.2% recovery rate, while Vietnam has a 2.8% fatality rate and a 61.5% recovery rate. More than half of the 50 states in the United States have enforced statewide mask mandates — but there is no federal mask mandate. The U.S. is experiencing a lower number of new cases lately but is still leading globally with over five millions cases, followed by Brazil — which also does not have a federal mandate.
A person wearing a face mask is less likely to be infected with the virus, and an infected person wearing a face mask is less likely to transmit the virus. When both parties are wearing masks, the level of transmission risk dramatically decreases. Research shows that wearing a mask — as well as taking other basic protective measures — will result in a significant drop in COVID-19 cases and can reduce the number of deaths.