Scientists and Co-Workers Top Trust List

In the 2022 edition of the Edelman Trust Barometer, the research firm found that respondents trust members of their personal group over large institutions.
Edelman surveyed 31,050 people from 27 countries to rate each category using a nine-point scale, with one being “do not trust them at all” and nine meaning “trust them a great deal.” The survey found that respondents trust scientists and national health authorities as well as the CEO of the company they work for and members of their workplace and community. This was a trend reflected in last year’s poll as well. They distrusted CEOs in general, journalists and government leaders — further enforcing the distrust of institutions.
The trust in public health and science comes as COVID-19 continues its second year. The trust in a person’s company leader and co-workers shows the importance of building a strong company culture that provides flexibility and a sense of purpose as well as physical and mental health support.